Welcome one and all !
This is my webiste for me to create, collect, and share !
Here you will find Shrines dedicated to media i love, my collections of graphics (ex: Blinkies, Website Buttons, Stamps, ect) i dug up, And of course, my art ! (But so much more to add !)
BIG WORK IN PROGRESS, watch where you step ! <3
Credits !
I didn't make this layout, g0blinheart/sadgirl did ! plz check them out they are extremly helpful ! !
This layout was built from:
And the OG layout is based on Let's Frolick by mzkandion Createblog .
Thank u for vistin ! ! !
Stop and chat, look around, or check out these kool sites ! Some r my net neghbors, others are just ncie sites i found !
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