Play this or that and i'll give you a random vocaloid song ! (old mostly)

Welcome 2 my second ever quiz !
Donut Hole or Matryoshka ?
Melt or Meltdown ?
Daughter of Evil or Servent of Evil ?
I like you, I love you ! or Just be Friends ?
Alice Human Sacrifce or Dark Woods Circus ?
Summer Idol or Doki Doki Yuri Garden ? (Atatata-P/ Niboshi propaganda)
Not considered old by everyone but meh. ECHO or AGAIN ?
Ten faced or Stop nagging me !
Lost Umbrella or Dancing Samurai ?
Magnet or Pina colada ?
Butterfly on your right shoulder (Len) or Electric Angel (Rin and Len) ?
SlOw mOtiOn or God-ish ?
HONEY IM HOME or Appitite of a people pleaser ?
Mesmerizer or Nyanyanyanayanya ?
Ivean Polka or Triple baka ?
Last question ! Sad and meaningful or silly and heartwarming ?