More silly less informational shrine
The Batman

BRO THIS MOVIE BRO ! ! ! Iv'e already watched it up to 4 times, and i STILL wanna re-watch ittt. I hate i never got to see it in 2022, but glad i did now !
Riddlers potrayal was honstely awsome ? I really like his ideals, just wish dude didin't flood the city at the end :( Whenever they show him streaming or his youtube ? I could'nt help but giggle lmaooo
Batman is a dumbass and dosen't leave his room for hours and was really silly/pos
And otherwise the cinamatrgraphicphy was amazing, very nice sound track and i like how it's more detective foucused :D Genuinly i felt really sad during the alfread hospital scene, i'm a sucker for found family 3
Look i'm not saying he's the best batman but . . . this is awsome XD
Lego Batman (Movie)

Okay this has been a fav movie of mine since it came out, I <3 FOUND FAMILY ! ! !
I just . . . Never told anyone lol. First off BATJOKES MAKES SENSE HERE OKAY ? ? ? Like its more than hinted at, these two are gay. Joker isn't horrible to Harley and they act more like besties, and they look like the almost kiss at the end ! But i don't mind Batman and Barbra here ethier, both are fun ! ^_^
Yes i know they didn't intend to make batjokes canon here or anything and were joking but i can think what i want. Batman's character devlopment was so well done, the animation and colors are pretty, so many memorable qoutes and jokes, just my fav lego movie, defidantly. And mabye batman movie too :3
Quickie poll
Currently i'm on s2 (ep5) and i just know Ed's and Kringles ship is gonna shink. She'll find out sooner or later. I love how penguin dresses like a orphan vampire, i have a feeling his mom won't be happy but who knows . . . Eds spilt between him and his inner voiceis a concept ive seen done before alot so i wanna see how it's done more here
Arkham Games
Batman The Animated Series

I wanna read Riddler year 1 and Batman zero year :(
And watch isekai suicide sqaud