This Shrine is dedicated to my favorite game, biggest intrest, and favorite thing ever, Epic Mickey ! I've been a fan since about 2017, but i orginally played the game back in the day too ! (By played, i was super young and kinda just tried too ^_^') I have made 2 school presintations on epic mickey, and one fanfic essay on the way (2nd presntaion made on an au, may share the fanfic but my skills are ehhhhhhhhh enough to get an A/B ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
This shrine will host: My thoughts and a small explination on each game and route in game, some others thoughts, Fanart/Au's/fanfic/concepts i like, and ect ! Watch your step please !

Epic !
Epic Mickey is a 3d platformer relased by Disney for the Wii, Ps3, Xbox 360 in November 2010. It follows Mickey Mouse as he gets trapped in WasteLand, a place for forgetten cartoons, the ruler/mayor being his unknown Older Brother, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Mickey has unknowingly caused WasteLand great damage, causing the Thinner Disater. Mickey must use paint and Paint Thinner to navigate this world and help himself escape, or perhaps, help out the other toons and admit to his mistakes.
The Paint path (cannon ver)
This is the "good" route of the game, where you help toons and yourself
The Neutral path (cannon ver)
No one ever talks about a neutral run/path, but it infact, exsits.
The Thinner path (cannon ver)
And lastly, our "bad/evil" route, not really, since disney's strict but it still brings intresting conceots to the table !
My thoughts

Epic Mickey:The power of two
The Paint path (cannon ver)
The Neutral path (cannon ver)
The Thinner path (cannon ver)
Mixed reciption
My thoughts
Power of illusion
Epic Mickey: Rebrushed
The return!!!! Finally, epic mickey has came back to the world in the form of a remake ! Fully remade graphics, coming to the switch (Where i will play !), ps5, and Xbox series s or x ! (As well as PC im sure)
As i write this, i do not have the game. I hope to recive it on chrismas or YAR HAR TIME ! I try not to buy directly from Disney after i learnt more about Palestine, so i plan to get it from Ebay. As i still like pyhsical copies of games.
But so far, the graphics seem amazing ! So does the music, but i'm hoping not to spoil myself in a way XD.
Nostaliga and Projection are a hell of a drug, aren't they ? I hate it but i project a ton onto charcters, and, i was told only autistic people have special intrests, not people with ADHD. And i hope this dosen't sound like im trying infiltrate the autistic community, but people told me Epic Mickey is my special intrest. I mean besides vocaloid and lemondemon it is my main long standing intrest besides all my hyperfixations, so i'd get it. Sorry if that came horribily bad, i can't really phrase it.
Extra !
All the other things ! ! !
Secret oOoOOOoOoOOo
Ah yes, my fav charcter of anything ever ! Oswald The Lucky Rabbit ! I even plan on getting a tatto of him !/srs I adore this dumb bunny, collect alot of his merchindise, draw him a ton, ect