Simply just a place to dump my roblox hyperfixations tbh
Dandy's world

My current hyperfix ! Anything that is about cartoons being a living lil guy or smth, thats my stuff !
The premise of Dandy's world is standard mascot horror stuff. Gardenview education center, the home to various toons from the tv show, "Dandy's world" is abandoned. The toons are left to rot, now sacvaging for suppiles. Dandy, the main character has something called the "ichor opperation" running.
"twisteds" flood the floors your roam, and you must do machines to collect ichor, then run to the elvator to end the round,a s a new floor starts. Collect toons, trinkets, skins, get to ur highest floor, ect. basically a survial collectithon !
You earn Trinkets from getting 100 reserach on a spefic twisted, and to get resarch you can be seen by a twisted (5%, and 10% if u play as rodger) or pick up research capsauls. (1% or 2% if ur rodger)

Trinkets help ur gameplay A TON. You can equip two at a time, and they vary in effects. You can buys some from the lobby shop, and others are from research.

Toons are what you play as in game. Each toon has 5 stats, each having a 5 star system.
Toons have "roles" somewhat. Extractors, Distractors, Supporters, and Healers. Though, the game does not need these roles, and toons who typically be one role, can be another.
- Extractor: Does the machines
- Distarctor: Distracts the twisteds by walking/running around the map or in a looping path. Usaully has speed trikets.
- Supporters/Healers: Healers get grouped into supporters often. Supporters give stamina/speed boosts, Healers heal another toon when injured

My ABSLOUTE fav: DANDY !!! He is the main char but BRO he is just so intresting to me ! He is morally grey, and i like when people portay him as traumatized/tired from the incident, at fault, but also not a complete dang monster !

Headcanons for da silly billy
The reason Dandy's trinket looks differnt from the actual dandy plush in universe is bc its a prototype they let him keep
- His petals change shape to moods (ex: sad = wilted, sharp = enraged, bumpy/heart shaped = in love, ya get it..)
- Dandy hates weed killer/fertizler bc it smells bad
- Dandy has insomina, astro helps him with it
- Dandy and Bobette are MLM and WLW solidarity
- Dandy truly dosen't know or understand everything about the ichor opperation, only deliah and aruthur do. (he isn't innocent tho)

Plz ocrrect wrong info plz and thank you
Regretavtor is more chill than dandys world imo. Ever played the OG normal elevator ? Just like that. Meet npcs, collect items, stickers, emotes, and badges. See lots of floors and chill w friends

My ABSLOUTE fav: Prototype !

Get a snack at 4 AM
Play l8ter
- Pressure
- Forsaken
- Blocktales
- Phighting